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Beyond the Hype: Verifying Business Expertise on Social Media

When you scroll through social media, it's easy to get swept up in the flood of business advice from so-called experts. Everyone seems to have a trick for scaling fast or a secret formula for success. But here’s the harsh reality: social media isn’t a stamp of credibility. Just because someone has a flashy profile or a lot of followers doesn’t mean they know what they’re talking about.

When you’re considering hiring a business advisor, consultant, coach, or expert, due diligence is not optional—it’s essential. Ask the tough questions: Where have you done this before? What is your success rate? Real business growth isn’t about shortcuts or following a popular influencer; it’s about strategies that work for you, with someone who has walked the path and delivered results.

The truth is, not every business will succeed, and even the best strategies sometimes fail. You need someone with experience in both victories and setbacks—someone who’s been there, done that, and knows how to pivot when challenges arise. Social media can give you a polished glimpse into someone’s life, but it won’t give you the full story. Before you invest time, energy, and money, make sure you’re partnering with someone whose expertise you can verify. Trust, but verify—always. Connect with me here and learn how to ask these tough questions.

Written by Darlene M. Ziebell



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