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I'm Tired of Hearing the Same Old Story . . .

I'm so tired of hearing the same old story.

In the past few months, I've heard the following from business owners just like you:

  • "I used my EIDL money for marketing and received no new sales. Now the loan is due."
  • "I spent $4K per month on digital marketers, and they can't tell me how much I have to spend before I see a return on my investment. I'm lucky if I get $1,500 per month in sales."
  • "I spend $1,800 each month on emails, and I'm lucky if my sales stay stagnant."

If you're experiencing any of the above, you're wasting your money on marketing. What these marketing "experts" aren't telling you is that they are NOT business strategists. They'll create marketing around the same message you've been using—the one that's not working.

So, why do you keep throwing money at messages that don't work? Because you don't have a strategy.

If you don't have enough business, you don't need more marketing—you need a plan to get more customers. And that happens with a dynamite, solid BUSINESS STRATEGY.

What's a strategy? It's a plan that outlines:

  • Who your target customers are
  • What you're selling them
  • Where they are
  • Why they should buy from you
  • How you compare to your competition

Then, you outline the steps to create marketing around this strategy.

If you start with marketing instead of a strategic plan, you might as well open a window and throw out all your money.

Stop wasting resources on ineffective marketing. Invest time in building a solid business strategy first. Know your customers, refine your message, and understand your market. Only then will your marketing efforts pay off.

Don't let another dollar go down the drain. Start strategizing today, and watch how your business transforms. Connect with me here and lets create you dynamite strategy to get more customers today. 

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