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How to Measure Key Performance Indicators of Managing a Business

Measuring Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is critical to understanding if your business is on the path to success or heading toward challenges. KPIs offer a clear lens to view performance, allowing you to make adjustments and keep your business moving toward growth. But here’s the thing: not every metric is a KPI, and focusing on the wrong ones can lead to confusion, wasted resources, and missed opportunities.

Start by identifying the KPIs that directly relate to your business goals. Ask yourself, what are the primary objectives you’re working toward? For example, if you’re focusing on increasing sales, your KPIs could include metrics like customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer lifetime value (CLV), and conversion rates. These metrics will help you measure if your marketing dollars are paying off or if it’s time to revisit your strategy.

Once you’ve nailed down the right KPIs, set up regular reporting. Weekly, monthly, or quarterly—whatever suits your business rhythm. Analyze these numbers, track changes over time, and look for patterns. For instance, if customer retention is low, it might mean you need to enhance your product or customer service.

Finally, remember that KPIs are only valuable if they drive action. Use these metrics to make informed decisions, adjust strategies, and, most importantly, keep moving forward. A well-measured KPI is a tool to fine-tune your business, helping you pivot, grow, and outpace the competition. Your success hinges on knowing the numbers that matter—and knowing what to do with them. Connect with me here and learn what KPIs are important to measure your business for success.

Written by Darlene M. Ziebell

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