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Profit on Paper Won’t Keep the Lights On

Many business owners obsess over revenue, but the real question is: How much of it are you actually keeping?

I’ve seen too many businesses celebrate a big contract while ignoring their cash flow. They assume profit on paper means they’re safe. But when payroll is due and the bank account is empty, reality hits hard.

Cash flow is what keeps your business running. It covers rent, payroll, inventory, and marketing. Without it, you’re one bad month away from shutting down. That’s why you need to track expenses, invoice promptly, and never assume that a future sale will solve today’s cash crunch.

Profitability is important, but cash flow is survival. Watch it like a hawk—because the moment you lose sight of it, your business is already in trouble. Connect with me today and learn how to watch your cash. 

Written by Darlene M. Ziebell 

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