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My Marketing Plan Doesn't Work!


Many of my private clients make this statement to me almost word for word: “Marketing doesn’t work!” And I agree with them under certain conditions.  Unfortunately most of...

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Small Business Owners Wear All Of The Headdresses


Fortune 1000 companies and organizations of similar size are managed by one major chief and four minor chiefs.  The small business owner manages all of these roles.   In billion...

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How An Aesop Fable Teaches Small Business Owners


In this short and concise video, small business owners learn the importance of market research.  Using an experienced coach and mentor aides in the business startup and growth processes. ...

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Preparing For Business Challenges Takes Skill And Experience, Facing Them Is Inevitable!


Predicting business challenges before they happen may save some of the 85% of new businesses that fail. To prepare for confrontations before they occur business owners need to identify them first....

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